Craig A. McDonough

Conspiracy Fiction Author

Box Set Available in Audio

Toward the Brink: The Complete Set  sample by Kyle Snyder.

What is it like to be the first of the dead to walk once more?

The days leading to the Brink of disaster.

Toward the Brink: The series

Appropriately; Toward the Brink.

Appropriately; Toward the Brink.

Zombies and their popularity seem(to me) a reflection of the harshness that is the world right now and has probably always been. It just seems so much more concentrated into such fewer years now and, of course, the instant media reporting of events – no matter where they happen – adds to the feeling that the apocalypse is upon us. Zombies represent all the events in a singularly, enclosed and destructive element.

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Sink your Teeth into this

Sink your Teeth into this

Could the Vampire have been hunted down to extinguish the flame of true immortality so the religions of the world can lock in their followers with the false promise of life ever after but so long as you only follow this religion (and pump a lot of money into it as they pass the plate around) Don’t ever forget the money when it comes to organised religion. Regardless of anything said here, religion has and always will be a business. You’ll do well to remember that.

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And the Apocalypse means

And the Apocalypse means

The monsters in books and movie represent all these things, but its how we (as authors) go about it that will determine the interest. Focus on one small part, as many zompoc writers have done, and what audience you had will soon drift away as something new and (for the time being) better comes along.

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